6 amazing lung exercises to keep respiratory diseases at bay

Here are 6 marvelous lung exercises that will help you prevent respiratory diseases.

As you get older, your lung capacity can go down, and thus to prevent this from happening these measures of the care for your lungs must be incorporated into a daily routine. Here are spectacular lung exercises.

The lethal combination of a harshly frigid climate and very high levels of air pollution in most parts of the country is driving up cases of respiratory-related diseases. Individuals suffering from pre-existent lung diseases such as asthma and COPD need to undertake all possible steps to protect this delicate organ of the body, while also shielding themselves away from cold exposure, along with other forms of pollution. Even though the findings show moderate to low levels of air pollution in your area, based on age and diminished lung capacity it is essential to implement plans for respiratory care as part of one’s daily activities. Other lung problems like smoking, pollution, etc., can fasten the ruination of your overall physical health. The prevention of the deterioration is also possible to be done in some ways, such as breathing and several lung exercises.

The respiratory capacity and volume of our lungs determine the amount of air that they can take in with each breath and gently let out once it is done being used. With age, it is to be expected that lung capacity and function will diminish in time due to various factors such as smoking, pollution, or asthma but this process can also be faster depending on the health condition.

According to Pulmonologist Dr. Kutty Sharada Vinod, we cannot directly determine the lung’s capacity for absorbing and storing oxygen but performing special set exercises increases significantly its efficiency in regulating airflow and levels of oxygen transported.”


Let’s discuss some efficient recommendations provided by Dr Kutty on how to improve your lung health and functional capacity.

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing
At the commencement of this breathing technique, one should be relaxed in a sitting or lying posture.
Second, put one hand in the chest area and another one in the abdomen.
Finally, take a deep breath through the nose while your abdomen stretches.
Slowly exhale which will make your belly contract.
Repeat this procedure for a few breaths, concentrating on slow deep inhaling and exhales.

2. Pursed-Lip Breathing
Breathing in through your nose, keep a count of two.
Hold your breath for a count of four and then slowly release through pursed lips.
This straightforward method helps keep airways open longer by helping to control your breathing.

3. Deep Breathing with Breath Retention
Inhale deeply through your nose.
And then, it is vital to keep the breath for several minutes.
Exhale slowly through your mouth.
Such activity increases lung capacity further.

4. Alternate Nostril Breathing
Be seated upright.
So, with the right thumb close your right nostril.
Take a deep breath through your left nostril.
Ensure your left nostril is closed by the right ring finger as you open up to release your right indulgence.
Exhale through your right nostril.
It is always necessary to inhale through the right nostril, plug it and exhale left nare.
Repeat this cycle several times.

5. Rib Stretch
In this method, stand up straight with your hands resting on the hips.
Take a long breath to fill your lungs.
Breathe deeply and hold your breath for twenty seconds or as long as you can.
Exhale gradually.
Repeat as needed.

6. Limb exercises
Muscles of both upper and lower limbs strength training
This may include weightlifting according to their capacity
Treadmill gait or cycle are also effective interventions.
However, making it a point to exercise thrice for twelve weeks increases lung health.

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